Hydrant Flushing 8/21/17 & 8/22/17

Williamsburg highway will be conducting annual hydrant flushing beginning Monday, August 21st.  As part of its commitment to providing Williamsburg & Haydenville residents with high quality water and ensure the safest drinking water for our residents, the highway department flushes hydrants annually to remove built up minerals in the water mains.  When a nearby hydrant is being flushed, water to area homes and businesses may be temporarily discolored.  The brownish colored water is bacterially safe but the water department suggests residents who have town water to avoid doing laundry on the flushing days if possible.  If you have cloudy or disclored water after the flushing is done, let the water run for a few minutes and the water should be clear after that. Flushing will begin starting at 8am on Monday, August 21st and Tuesday, August 22nd and should end for the day at 3:30 pm.  If you have any questions you may call the highway department at 268-8405 or email them at burgyhighway@burgy.org.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.