COA Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 16, 2019




Wednesday, January 16th 2019


12:15 pm—01:43pm


COA Room 102, Town Hall Williamsburg


Jacqueline Dufresne, Jim Cahillane, Jennifer Hoffman, Nancy Winninger (12:37pm), Margaret Ricci, Daria D’Arienzo, Dean Acheson, Larry West


Jacqueline Dufresne

Recording Secretary:

Margaret Ricci


Gerald Mann []



Next Meeting

Wednesday February 20th, 2019

Old Business:

#1.  A motion to accept the minutes of Meeting #5 of Wednesday December 19th, 2018, was made by Jim and seconded by Dean. Passed.

#2. Update on revision of By-Laws for the position of Vice-Chair and Standing Committees. Added also are slight changes for the Ad Hoc Special Committees. Margaret reviewed the rationale underpinning the proposed changes in the By-Laws. Some sentences were simply given a separate line.  Daria stated that a motion is not needed but a notation of revision status with the dates and to look for comparable sized communities at their By-Laws. Below are the accepted changes.  Margaret will work on assembling the entire package for presentation. Please note that the Roman Numeral categories will be revised.  Agenda Item #1.

Section II:

IV.II.1. Elections will be held in July of every calendar year.


IV.III.1. CHAIR:  to be done


IV.III.3. be a member of the Executive Committee.

IV.III.4. presides in the absence of the Chair and performs the functions of the Chair, as needed.

IV.III.5. assumes the duties of the Chair in the event of resignation or demise of the Chair.

IV.III.6.  is the Chair of the Nominating Committee.


IV.III.4. TREASURER:  revised 2018


VI.I.1.  Standing Committees.

VI.I.1.a.  Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee comprises the Chair and the Vice-Chair.

VI.I.1.b.  Nominating Committee to nominate officers.  The Chair of this committee is the Vice-President.

VI.I.1.c.  The Vice-Chair assembles that committee to prepare a roster of officers for presentation at the July meeting. Each member of the proposed slate of officers has agreed in advance to serve for one year.  The slate is voted on at the July meeting.

VI.II.1. Ad Hoc Special Committees.

The Chair may, from time to time for a specific duration and purpose, appoint a committee.  Each committee shall be composed of at least one plenary COA Board member plus any number of community members limited to ten total members.  These special committees shall each elect a Chair who will report to the COA Board at its regular meetings.

#3.  Public Comment. No public comment.

#4.  No pre-arranged guest speaker. Jim requested this block of time to discuss fund raising activities and asked Jenn what are the guidelines regarding fund raising. Jim pitched the ideas of having an auction of material from downsizing and asked about the implications of a town organization of raising monies from the senior prom Jim is willing to speak at a town meeting about the results from a brain storming session.  Jenn responded that Jenn had spoken with Charlene about fund raising.  Specifically, the prom is categorized under “educational programming.” Both Charlene and the Select Board did not preclude a fund-raising request. At the time of the meeting all that was known was that the COA Board should review investing into the Elder Trust Fund.  Financial access is for the interest only, not to the principle.

Discussion morphed into one of the agenda items of the birthday postcards for seniors.  Jenn had mailed out ~40 postcards for seniors whose birthday occurred in January.  Larry suggested a telephone call.  Daria suggested saving the cost to appropriate to other needs such as more time for an elder with a companion.  Labor, postal costs, digital postcards were discussed. The COA board agreed that the postcard mailing would continue with an added message about the monthly birthday cake at the Senior Center.  A cake is donated monthly by Care One Rehabilitation.  Jenn added that the Town of Williamsburg had revenue too high to qualify for the HEN program. HO#1.  Jim said that he was pleased that the COA board was growing and conducted in a relaxing manner.

New Business:

#5.  Strategic Planning Process. 

Discussion on Hope Guardenier from FY2018.  According to Charlene and emails from that time period, there was no contract to continue with a written report from Hope. HO#2. The COA Board agreed that the material is duplication of what emerged from recent surveys on a needs-assessment.   

#6.  Fund Raising.  Larry suggested approaching local business to host a senior day or senior evening.

#7. HVES.  Jenn attended the monthly meeting on the Annual Report and will meet separately with the Financial and the Executive Committees for an orientation.

#8. Outreach. A more detailed expansion of Outreach is listed at COA center.

  1. Ladies Lunch 18
  2. Burgy “Aging in Place” Survey
  3. Cable TV.  Need local access Comcast.  Daria suggested Channel 15 with community services bulletin board.
  4. 09 Jan 2019.  Aging in Place Forum took place in evening.  Results HO#4. Relationship with HO#1.
  5. Zumba classes and a full program at Senior Center.
  6. Elder Law Forum about legal issues 18 April 2019 6—8 pm
  7. Medical Ethics Forum with Dr Pergola 05th March.
  8. Tidiness Workshop 4th March at noon Senior Center. Fee of $100
  9. Illnesses & death this month are up.  Department Public Health referring seniors to COA.
  10. Reaching out to Clergy in Hilltowns, with attention to food security and meals on wheels
  11. Security in Senior Center.  See Other #9a.
  12. Thriller Book Club.  Arose because of one person as a response to offering a different program.
  13. March.  Dave will be teaching “how to get the most out of your cellphone”

#9.  Other.  

  1. Code of Conduct at Senior Center.  A new policy will in effect due to an incident, which as been on-going and known to law enforcement.  The updated Code of Conduct was constructed with input from legal services and presented to the COA board.  Discussion and then the document became more specific than the previous policy.  Jenn will email the finalized statement to the board.
  2. Volunteer Policy.  HO#3. An updated policy was presented by Jenn with the most important change being that no volunteer can commence and activity until 9:30am.  Updated policy will be posted.
  3. Budget items. Jenn is not asking for monies for programs beyond what has been budgeted and has been asking for gratis or pro bono work.  CDC [Community Development Corporation] – offers tax form assistance. Gerry Mann mentioned that he had been a volunteer for tax advise through AARP, which covered liability.  Margaret asked if Gerry would submit an article to the Hilltown Newsletter about taxes. [completed 17th Jan]
  4. Jim was thanked for his article in the Hampshire Gazette about the Williamsburg COA.

End of Meeting

#10. Jacqueline called for a motion to adjourn.  Nancy proposed; Jim seconded. Passed. Adjourn.

Agenda Items:


Margaret will assemble entire By-Laws to date with a proposed change in the Roman Numerals.


Margaret.  Discussion. Thank-you note is sent to all our sponsors at the end of fiscal year signed by the COA board members, e.g. cake bakery.


Electronic Copy to COA members & for Minutes: Code of Conduct Policy & Volunteer Policy with dates.

Handouts to minutes available in the COA office by appointment


Tufts Health Plan Foundation Population Characteristics for Williamsburg. 6pp with break down distributions.


Letterhead letter to Selectmen Members from Marie Westberg Jan 4th 2018.  Rationale to hold three focus groups.


Volunteer policy. Dated 12/12/ 2018. One page: Intro, Selection of Volunteers, Roles & Responsibilities, Training & Supervision, Work Schedules & COA Café Hours, Leaving Volunteer Service, Parking & Premises.


Aging at Home in Rural Towns by the Northern Hilltowns Consortium of Council on Aging. 7pp.  Summary of questionnaire response from Williamsburg & Haydenville’s survey on Age & Dementia Friendly Communities, including statistical analysis.

End Minutes.