Well Setback Requirements

Potential Source of Contamination


Septic Field

150 feet


150 feet

Septic Tank

50 feet

Sewer Line

25 feet

Property Line

30 feet

Public Way (From Defined Property Line)

50 feet

Subsurface Fuel Storage Tank

200 feet


20 feet

Utility Right-of-Way

100 feet

Stables, Barnyards, Feedlots, Manure Piles, Manure Storage Tanks

150 feet

Where deemed necessary or appropriate by the Board of Health for the protection of the water supply or public health, the above distances may be increased, or reasonable means of protection may be required or both. The Board may impose minimum lateral distance requirements from other potential sources of contamination not listed above. All such requirements shall be added by the Board as conditions of the well construction permit.

A variance to the above setbacks may be applied for through the Board of Health, and requires a public hearing, certified mail notification to abutters, and a minimum of 30 days for approval. A request for variance must be in writing and mailed to the Foothills Health Agent, PO Box 447, Haydenville, MA 01039.

