Muskrat and Beaver Control

Muskrat and Beaver Removal Permit

The Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife has assigned local Board's of Health the responsibility of investigating nuisance muskrat/beaver complaints and issuing emergency removal permits in Massachusetts.

High waters caused by beaver activity may be infiltrating your septic system, threatening your well water, or flooding your dwelling or the road. In these instances the Board of Health can issue a permit allowing a trapper to remove nuisance beavers.

It is the property owner's responsibility to complete the Application for 10 Day Emergency Beaver or Muskrat Removal Permit and arrange for the trapper. If the nuisance beaver is not located on your own property, you must obtain permission of the owner on a Beaver or Muskrat Consent Form allowing the trapper to enter the premises. Click here for a list of beaver trappers.

The Board of Health can permit the removal of the nuisance animals only. The Board cannot give permission to breach (break up) or remove a beaver dam, as this involves wetland regulations. Please contact the Conservation Commission for permission to breach a beaver dam.

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